Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Women Don't Sweat, We Glow...

...and when I work out I glow like a pig. Can I tell you a secret? I love every second of it... because I know that's my body's way of telling me that I'm working hard! My teammates and I have been glowing up a storm this week with our workouts from our trainer, as well as attending FOCUS classes. Eight of us have already completed our FOCUS sessions, and the last Angel is completing hers this weekend. (One of the Angels is out of town this week, so she's not able to join in on the fun just yet).

It's a pretty even split between Burn and Gravity. Here's what some of the Angels have said about their experience:
"Did BURN baby burn last night at 7pm with Lisa and had a blast!"
"Noel and I attacked the hills, for the hardest interval we were both up at an incline of 11! Jacki is a great motivator"
"Gravity rocks my socks off! WOW is it gonna help me build strength!"
"Ladies, the Gravity: Defy Gravity class was THE BOMB. Oh my gosh! You all have to take it!!"
"Some of the settings on Gravity kicked my tooshie, oh I loved it! I can't wait to try the Gravity: Core class!"

In other Angels news, one of our original Angels, Rachel, has been sick with a high fever and has had to bow out of the challenge for medical reasons. We're very sad that she's not going to be able to compete with us, but what is most important is her health and well being. A co-worker of mine, Brooke, is a Healthworks member at Chestnut Hill and has joined the group to fill Rachel's spot. We're happy to have Brooke compete with us!

Remember what I said about glowing like a pig? Thumbs up, and can't wait to hit the gym with my Angels tomorrow for our boot camp!


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